Catherine is pretty. I like her hair. Why is Trowa snuggling up to her boobs? Apparently the ringmaster forgot that it's part of his job description to supervise the hormone-laden teenagers. |
LOST!!" Name: Catherine Bloom Sex: Female. Age: 18 Weight: 26 lbs Height: Around the lines of 5'5" Gundam: [insert outrageous clown music here] Distinguishable features: She's a looker; and extremely thin--probably doesn't get much to eat under the Big Top. Red/brown curly hair, with eyes are blue and pupil-less, symbolizing the loss of her soul to the Circus. Usually seen brandishing knives. Oh, yeah, and somehow manages to wear the most hideous clothes on the face of the earth (well...quite possibly second to Noin's cowgirl outfit or Dorothy's horrible black party dress). But somehow, she manages to look sexy in her outrageously ugly get-ups, and I respect her for that. Usually a peek of slight cleavage is visible and is often responsible for Trowa's "forgetting" that he and Catherine quite possibly share parents. Personality: She's a sweet girl, I think. She seems somewhat matronly, and ready to take care of anyone who is weak enough to not resist her help (read: Heero when he self-detonated). It actually took me watching the series the third time through to foster an appreciation for Catherine. She's strong-willed with a hot temper, and in "Catherine's Tears," her love for Trowa is what stops him from casting his own life aside. But she slugs him in the face (amidst cries of "OWNED!" from me) and then proceeds to bawl onto his shoulder, calling him a bad, bad man. After this, she switches into overprotective mode, and when Trowa, memory-less and friendless, carries his sorry ass back to the circus, she refuses to let him leave. Circuses are like that. First it's just to see the clowns, then it's all about the tigers, and then you gotta have some peanuts, and next thing you know, they own your soul, you're love slave to the knife-throwing star of the circus, and it's peanuts every night for the rest of your misery-laden life (Well, until Duo discovers you. But that's a story for another profile.) Past: She doesn't have a past. One day, the Ringmaster opened a bag of peanuts, cracked one open, and there popped out Catherine--stretched to her full height and decked out in circus garb. Oh, and Trowa popped out too, apparently, because Episode Zero reveals them to be Long Lost Brother and Sister. So basically, Little Orphan Catherine and Little Orphan Trowa (then Triton) got separated and had to work at the circus in order to feel a "part" of an organization. Stupid kids, they just should have gone to college and joined a sorority! (okay, a fraternity for Little Orphan Trowa.) Anyway, I guess they got a little separated from each other, and then they completely forgot they were related. Next thing you know, they're shacking up under the Big Top! Nationality: Same as Trowa, it would seem. Circus Performer, that is. Place of residence: The Circus. God, have I not already MENTIONED THAT? In all seriousness...: Catherine is young, independent, self-sufficient, and strong-willed. The circus seems to be a close-knit community, but I think she lacks a "real" sense of belonging (as it may be hard to feel like a normal family when your "Family" consists of appallingly flexible women, wild animals, and men who wear make up and oversized shoes) and that's why she grasps onto Trowa so hard for a certain sense of "belonging." She is quoted to say that Trowa is like a brother to her, which means that even though she suddenly can't remember that he really is her brother, she still feels that connection to him. She's a bit hot-tempered, as revealed when she slugs Trowa across the face but I think she's got a heart of gold when it comes down to it. Really, with Catherine, my biggest question is as to why she is at the circus in the first place. I mean, she's between the ages of 16 and 18, and she should be in high school. (Though I find that in the distant future, there seem to be no stringent rules on school attendance. In fact, it seems as though school is an optional sort of thing. Let's face it: The five Gundam pilots seem to be very intelligent, because of their damn "training," but do they know what an oxymoron is? But I do concede that they aren't in school because of their missions. But Relena. Seriously. Suddenly she just decides to chase around Heero, and then be a politician and suddenly it's all "bye, bye, high school diploma"? Seriously. There's gotta be rules against that kind of shit, or else I would have become a politician at the ripe old age of 15, retired from public school and all its horrors and dedicated my life to ranting about total pacifism and maintaining a love/imminent death relationship with the most demonically insane individual I could find.) But anyway. Catherine seems to be comfortable where she is, and she is announced in the episode in which Trowa's stoic demeaner freaks her out and she accidentally nicks him (Later: "Bitch, bitch, bitch, oh, *grins, giggles* I almost forgot to apologize for nearly taking your head off, Trowa! Tee hee! *runs off*") as the star of the circus. So I take it she's living a pretty good life, despite the sleaze factor that seems to surround her place of employment (This ain't no Barnum and Bailey, kiddos) and she is happy. All in all, the circus is her home, and you gotta give her credit because living the Circus life is not an easy thing to do. So I hear...OK, I admit. I'm a retired circus performer, the Bearded Lady. Thanks a lot for bringing it up, guys. Speaking of which, time to shave that five o'clock shadow (and it's only noon. *Cries*.) Free Style Analysis Humor: (everything is fair game now...) Catherine actually seems like a pretty nice gal, and stable compared to the rest of them. (but still psychotic, mind you.) Which of course, isn't saying much at all, but she throws knives and all is well with the world. When she's not performing, I guess she goes out to town and hangs out with the elephants. I've always wondered what Circus performers do. I mean, I assume it is a really cool job, but you don't exactly have a lot of options. In fact, it seems to me like it's a full time thing...even when you're not in a show, you still have to be doing stuff. Anyway. I think the movie Dumbo made me hate the circus. Catherine is a very protective, matronly sort of woman, and I'd hate to see what would happen if she ever had kids. She'd be the mom on the rocker on the front porch, glaring menacingly at the world, and when the little clown boys came to pick up her daughters for a date, she'd throw knives at them. Not too much is known about Catherine, except that she is Trowa's female counterpart, (As Hilde is to Duo...) and she seems to love him a lot. (hopefully non-sexually, or else the aforementioned daughters have a high probability of being retarded). What is known about her? All she can cook is soup, evidently. And I'm really not going to say too much about that, because I just got done eating soup for dinner. In fact, soup out of cans is the only thing I eat these days, besides English muffins and pasta, because those are the three things that I can cook. So I really don't have any room to speak about Catherine's cooking abilities. (Or, lack thereof.) But really, so much for the circus being able to teach you to forage for yourself. No life lessons there, kiddies. Even chicken noodle soup goes horribly awry in the hands of Crazy Cathy! Another thing is the Catherine/Trowa question. Well, are they related or aren't they? Romantic fanfiction about these two is extremely taboo in the GW community (like you hadn't noticed) and people get downright upset at the prospect of incest. But really, a valid sibling relationship between these seems like kind of an afterthought. Sure, Catherine's protective, and yes she did say that Trowa was LIKE a brother to her (implying she does not retain feelings for him beyond that of a sibling kind) but really now. I mean, isn't that what people in denial ALWAYS say? " we didn't have sex, he's like a brother to me!" But because their alleged sibling relationship seems like such an afterthought to me, and people who haven't seen the Episode Zero manga don't even know about this alleged siblinghood, I don't really mind 3xCatherine fics. EXCEPT FOR ONE THING.....I strongly believe that Quatre and Trowa are better off together. I mean, seriously. AND THAT, my friends, is WHY the Episode Zero manga is such an afterthought...they were like, "Dude, some of our viewers don't realize that Trowa and Quatre have a totally implicated homosexual relationship." "Whatever dude, how could they not? We made it sooooo blatantly obvious, without coming out and saying it, because coming out and saying it is not our style." "Yeah, that's why all the pilots are still in the closet..." *they share a hearty laugh and a secret smile* "Anyway, I think people will get it better if we eliminate the prospect of Catherine." "OK, dude, let's just make them related." "Good call. And how can we eliminate the prospect of Dorothy for Quatre?" "Dorothy for...what the HELL would possess you to think that Dorothy and Quatre could ever...she STABBED him! I was thinking the only rational competition Trowa might have is Rashid." Cathy Quotes: "Quiet people attract quiet friends." "He's like a brother to me!" "I have a...uhm,...thing for clowns that are related to me!"*
*Actually did not say this in the duration of the series. But I think she confided in the ringmaster once. |
Rebel/Warrior was created by SeaShelle in June 2000. It was last updated in June 2005. Rebel/Warrior is just a little character/humor-oriented site about Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing, a Japanese anime by Sunrise and Bandai. This site has no affiliation with those companies. So yeah.